New School Year, New Webseries Episode!

Today the girls started a new school year. Funny Bunny entered the 4th grade and Cuddle Bear started reception. All of this at the end of a very exhausting 6 week summer holiday. I’m so tired – there were not enough wine-o-clocks, tea times or flutes of prosecco to help me through my kids having too much time on their hands. They are at the age where they can come up with their own crafting ideas – and implement them before I know which way is up and which was is down. Our conservatory looks like it blew up with used paper, dry clumps of Play Doh, Waxy Doodles and pine cones that hurt just as much as Legos when you step on them. I’m avoiding cleaning it.

With the girls gone for at least a bit, I was able to put together another episode of “Learning to Write.” I faced a new set of challenges this go around; namely that Cuddle Bear caught on to what I’ve been up to. She knows she has an audience, which made her more frantic and energetic. She also isn’t up for multiple takes – so for the most part, I had to get what she was doing in one take and hope for the best. So if you’re thinking “gee… her camera work isn’t as good” or “Why is the paper moving around so much?” My reply is “Yes,” and “I’m aware.”

We also drew the attention of our 3 year old daddy cat, Loki who makes a very cute guest appearance right in the middle of filming. He looks very smart in his bow tie if I might say so. But still – filming conditions were not optimal and I have done what I can to edit the next two episodes into respectability. Matt liked it so it must be alright.

Without further ado, Episode 3 of Learning to Write: Letters J, Q, R, V

One thought on “New School Year, New Webseries Episode!

  1. Pingback: Web Series: Learning To Write With Cuddle Bear Ep. 4 | Poet : Parent

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